Manta provides high-quality DNA for pharmacogenetic tests
Strand Life Sciences, a diagnostics company in Bangalore uses automation DNA extraction system for pharmacogenetic workflows

Strand Life Sciences,

Stand Life Sciences is at the forefront of cancer risk detection, utilizing state-of-the-art genomic technologies to provide comprehensive insights into genetic predispositions for cancer. Their test portfolio is designed to provide the most reliable and thorough genomic insights via:

  • Comprehensive Gene Coverage: Genes encode instructions for building proteins, and variations in these sequences can increase cancer risk. Their tests meticulously read each relevant genomic character an average of 400 times, ensuring accuracy and reliability by minimizing the risk of missing critical genetic variations.
  • Detailed Variant Analysis: Genetic variants influence gene function and can impact cancer risk. Using advanced bioinformatics tools, they analyze variants spanning hundreds or thousands of characters, distinguishing between benign variations and those contributing to cancer development for precise risk assessment.
  • Accurate Variant Classification: Using bioinformatics platforms, they classify variants based on their potential to cause disease. This rigorous process ensures findings are based on current scientific evidence, providing clear insights into cancer risk.

Explore their cancer test portfolio here.

Stand extends its genomic expertise to rare diseases and reproductive disorders. Their comprehensive approach to sequencing and variant analysis ensures that we provide accurate and detailed insights across a variety of genetic conditions, helping to inform better healthcare decisions and personalized treatment plans.

We deal with several sample types in the lab ranging from 96 - 100 samples per day to sometimes few samples for certain specific applications and, we can not wait to batch the samples, so the most important thing with Manta is its flexibility. The fact that you can take from one single sample to up to 32 samples on a go without incurring any significant loss in the yields is extremely crucial for our lab.

A lot of things can be automated in a very seamless manner and yeah, it’s very efficient.

Dr. Sameer Phalke, Director Laboratory Sciences, Strand Life Sciences

The workflow for the project

1. DNA extraction

After receiving patient blood and saliva samples, the Stand team uses Manta for efficient DNA extraction. This is completed in just 28 minutes on deck.

2. Library preparation

DNA is fragmented and adapters are added, facilitating amplification for sequencing.

3. Sequencing

Generates vast genomic data, revealing genetic variations linked to cancer risk.

4. Genomic Test Panels

Bioinformatics experts analyze data using specialized software, pinpointing cancer-related mutations and interpreting clinical significance.

5. Analysis Report

Summarizes detected variants, clinical implications, and recommendations for patient management, empowering informed decisions on cancer risk assessment, screening, and prevention strategies.

Resources for DNA biobanking processes

The Strand team was one of the first groups we shared the idea of Manta with, and they've been incredibly supportive as early adopters of our system. We take immense pride in the quality of our buffers that help them conduct their research.

Want to see how Manta can improve your lab workflows? Let’s chat! 🧬✅